Oct 19th, 2022
Label with UK importer details
Seanen suggest our UK adaptors are labelled with UK importer name and address from now on, as it will be effective from December 31st, 2025 according to the latest requirements of UKCA approval. The details as below,
"UK distributors and suppliers
You'll need to confirm whether you or your supplier will act as an "importer'.
You're an importer if you're the first one bringing goods from outside the UK
and placing them on the market in Great Britain. If someone has already
placed a good on the UK market before you sell it in Great Britain you will
remain a distributor and will not have any additional responsibilities.
As an importer, you'll need to make sure that:
● goods are labelled with your company s details, including your company's
name and a contact address. The government will introduce legislation so
that the importer details can be provided via a sticky label or on an
accompanying documentation rather than on the good itself if you import
certain goods from the EEA (and in some cases Switzerland). After 31
December 2025, your details must be affixed to the product or, in circumstances where the legislation allows, on the packaging or an
accompanying document
● the correct conformity assessment procedures have been carried out and
that goods have the correct conformity markings
● the manufacturer has drawn up the correct technical documentation and
complied with their labelling requirements
● you maintain a copy of the declaration of conformity for a period of 10 years
● goods conform with the relevant essential requirements"
Where to find guidance UK laws?